Price : 2,099.99USD
Release : Mar 2019 - May 2019
Size : approximately H72cm
Limited Edition : 750
Sculpt and Paint:Yoshiki Fujimoto
Co-Paint and Production Cooperation:
Tatsuhiko Enomoto(Dainippon Koubou)
Production Cooperation:
Wataru Mishima (PSYCHO MONSTERZ)
Producer, Director : Shun Harada
Manufactured and Deveroped by Mamegyorai
Distributed by Sideshow Collectibles
ALIEN TM & © 2018
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
It’s easy to argue the most beautiful and terrifying creature ever made for the silver screen was created by the late and great surrealist artist H.R. Giger for Ridley Scott’s game changing sci-fi film Alien.
Swiss artist H.R. Giger created a living breathing piece of cultural art still not surpassed nearly 40 years since its creation in 1979.
Fans were both terrified and fascinated with this original creature even though many of the smallest details remained hidden from view.
After the release of the film a small making of book, called “The Book of Alien” was released showing many behind the scenes photo of the alien.
The most famous photo shows the alien in a mysterious “folding pose” where he appears to be taking a bow for the camera, revealing new hidden details not scene in the film.
“For this limited edition, highly accurate statue, we have aimed to capture both the essence and atmosphere seen in this historic photo.”
The production team is made up of 4 of the leading ALIEN experts obsessed with every detail of the iconic creation.
We gathered every high-res original photo reference available and inspected every detail big and small.
We tried not to make up parts that were previously hidden to the naked eye. We analyzed an enormous collection of reference materials thoroughly and extracted only the facts. Our goal was to make this the most historically accurate representation of Giger’s Alien ever made.
We took multiple trips to the H.R. Giger Museum in Switzerland and the German Film Museum in Germany to uncover previously hidden information about the suit and props associated with it.
Combining both an academic and artistic eye, sculptor Yoshiki Fujimoto faithfully reproduced the photo of the Big Chap Alien in a 1/3 scale sculptural statue.
This large size statue reveals beautifully rendered details not captured in any other representation of the creature.
Some of the details we discovered and captured are as follows:
- In the film, the same material was used for the base of the neck, under the chin, and also the sole of the foot, which you don’t even see when you display it, are captured for the first time in our statue.
- An animal jaw bone was used for the heel, the exact shape of the tip was verified in Germany and this is the first time its’ been captured in such exacting detail.
- The bellows on the whole body, the number of bumps, kinks and distortion are all reproduced precisely.
- The estimated weight of the tail at ground level was studied and the "S" shape curve of the tail from the root of the lower back to the ground was expertly captured.
- All seamlines and burrs on the actual suit made from the actual mold, are all faithfully reproduced.
- Parting components and seam lines like the protruding tubes on the back are precisely captured and in the same position as the actual movie prop.
- The under suit only exposed when the alien bends its’ back, is reproduced for the first time in the world.
- The distortion and wear and tear on the back of torso created during the shooting of the film is reproduced exactly as it appears in the photo.
- The seamline running up and down the glove, discovered during our research in Germany was captured as well.
- The subtle hidden zipper on the left side of the waist to the thigh was found on the original prop in Gemany is also reproduced.
- The wrinkle of the suit, the folds around the knee, the kinks between the shin to foot, are reproduced precisely.
- The engraving of the pump and tubes on side of the head were analyzed with intense study and reproduced in the highest detail.
- The burr on the upper arm near the shoulder, the shape of the cut of the ankle, are reproduced precisely based on the existing materials.
- The shape of the teeth which until now have never been reproduced perfectly are captured in exacting detail.
- The snake bone embedded from hip to thigh is sculpted precisely.
We are excited an honored to present this statue as the most accurate representation of Giger’s Alien brought to life in collectible form.