- 参考価格:35,000円(税別)
- 発売予定:2021年3月
- 全高:ジョエル:約22cm
- エリー:約19cm *台座含む
- 塗装済み完成品
- 材質:PVC,ABS
- 原型・ペイントマスター制作:大畠雅人
- 企画・制作・発売:豆魚雷
- PRICE:USD350.00
- RELEASE:March/ 2021
- Height:Joel:approx.8.5inch
- Ellie:approx.7.5inch*including pedestal
- Pre-Painted Statue
- Material:PVC, ABS
- Sculpt, Paint:Masato Ohata
- Produced and Manufactured by MAMEGYORAI
2013年の発売以来、絶大な人気を誇るサバイバル・アクション・ゲーム『THE LAST OF US』。全世界で200以上のゲームアワードを受賞するなど、圧倒的な高評価を得たことでも有名な名作シリーズの一作目より、「ジョエル」「エリー」を1/9スケールでフィギュア化しました。
The Last of Us is a survival action game that has been extremely popular since its release in 2013. It has won over 200 game awards from all over the world. Here we have our 1/9 scale figures of “Joel” and “Ellie” from the masterpiece first installment of the series.
Joel, watching around with a fearless look, portrays his strong will to protect Ellie. Behind his gaze the experiences that turned him into such a hardened survivor show through, but also hints of his sorrow and the kindness he has hidden inside.
Ellie, holding a rifle alone, clearly displays both sides of her character, just as it is in game. The inner strength she has earned while trying to survive the cruel world she lives in, contrasted with her youth and her struggle with her own emotions.
Joel stands next to a broken down brick wall with the remains of a wooden panel and looks as if he could be on a certain hidden path from the game.
In the rear of the pedestal, in-game items such as broken scissors and bullets have been scattered to show the eroded barriers between indoors and outdoors and give a palpable sense of the feelings one would have while living during the end of the world.
Ellie’s base is set on the waterfront. Her posture betrays her feelings of tension as she looks out over the water knowing she can’t swim.
・それぞれ単体で飾ることも、台座をパズルのピースのように組み合わせて飾ることも可能。また、二人を組み合わせると、『THE LAST OF US REMASTERED』のキービジュアルを彷彿とさせる仕掛けをほどこしました。
Each figure can be displayed separately or fit together like two puzzle pieces to show a single scene reminiscent of the iconic visuals from THE LAST OF US REMASTERED.
大畠雅人│Masato Ohata
Born in Chiba in 1985, he majored in Printmaking at Musashino Art University’s Department of Painting and graduated in 2009.
He worked on the digital sculpt team at M.I.C. Corp. , and now works freelance. While working on numerous commercial sculptures, he also has been vigorously releasing original figures including his “Survival” series. His original figures are sold as garage kits and also sold as mass produced products from “SUM-ART”. He’s one of the most remarkable modeling artists working right now.
- モラトリアムを持て余した20代後半、“原型師”という仕事をバンプレストさんが展開されている「造形天下一武道会」で知りました。
- 初めて具体的な夢を持ち、それが運良く叶って原型会社に就職した頃はアナログ造形からデジタル造形への過渡期でした。
- キャリア2年目。ただただ上手くなりたくてがむしゃらだった頃、先輩の藤本圭紀さんに触発されてオリジナルフィギュアを作り始めました。
――僕の原型師としての導入を3点でまとめました。「『THE LAST OF US』の原型製作と何の関係があるの?」と思った方、すみません。関係があるのです。
オリジナルフィギュアというのはもちろん何を作ってもいいので、その時の自分の考え方や流行が強く影響します。初めてデジタルで作った僕のオリジナル2作目となる「Survival 01. killer」は、その時まさに『THE LAST OF US』をプレイし終わって興奮状態にあった時に作ったのでした。
- In my late twenties, when I had more time on my hands than I knew what to do with, I learned about a job called Figure Sculptor at the「FIGURE COLOSSEUM」, organized by Banpresto.
- I felt like I finally had some sort of a concrete goal for the first time in my life, and when I luckily got a job at a prototype company, it was the beginning of a transitional period from clay modeling to digital.
- In my second year, I simply wanted to get better. I started making my own figures, of which, my senior, Yoshiki Fujimoto was a great inspiration.
――These three things led to my beginnings as a Figure Sculptor. Some of you might be thinking, “How is that related to The Last of Us?”, but it actually has a lot to do with it.
When it comes to original figures, of course, I’m not bound to any one idea. Whatever I’m thinking about, or is popular or trending, has a great influence on them. When I made my first digital, second original, figure “Survival 01. Killer”, I had just finished playing ‘The Last of Us’ and was totally in the zone.
そしてこの「Survival 01. killer」ないし、その後展開する「Survival」シリーズが僕の代表作になり、本を出版していただいたり、オリジナルフィギュアをマスプロダクトとして生産していただいたり、海外のイベントに呼んでいただいたり……自分でも信じられないほど人生が変わったきっかけになったのです。
“Survival 01. Killer” and the “Survival” series that came afterward became my representative work. That led to my books, mass production of my original figures, and invitations to events overseas. It was an incredible time of opportunities for me and completely changed my life.
『誰と出会い、何をするか』Who you encounter, what you do
『THE LAST OF US』。このゲームは皆さんご存知の通り名作ですが、僕にとってただの名作以上の思い入れがあります。上記のいきさつをすべて知っている人が僕に『THE LAST OF US』の原型製作の依頼をくれました。 豆魚雷の原田隼さんは、「survival 01.killer」を豆魚雷で展開されているAmazing Artist Collectionに選出してくださり(本当に光栄です! ありがとうございました!)、僕はその時のインタビューですべてを語っていたのでした。
As everyone knows, the Last of Us is a masterpiece, but it’s more than that to me. Someone who knew the story I just shared with you asked me to make a prototype for The Last of Us.
Mr. Shun Harada from Mamegyorai chose “Survival 01. killer” as part of their Amazing Artists Collection(It’s an incredible honor! Thank you so much!) and heard it all in an interview we had together.
人生で大切な仕事をするために、出会いなくしてはできないと痛感しました。こうして『THE LAST OF US』の原型製作をするという夢(正直にいうと、夢にも思わなかったこと)が現実になりました。
I keenly feel that I would not be where I am now, doing what I do, without that immensely impactful encounter.
This is how my dream to produce a prototype for The Last of Us, which I never thought could be possible, came true.
『制作の悩み』Worries about production
Working on this was so much fun, but it was also difficult at times. That’s always the case when I’m working on something I’m passionate about. It’s a blast, but the pressure not to undermine the established world with my own ideas is immense.
I felt a weight off of my shoulders once I sent pictures of the rough Sculpt to Mr. Harada and he liked them. After that, they only improved more and more with the help of Mr. Harada and Mr.Pereira, who Mr. Harada hired as an advisor.
As for the pedestals, since they let me do them however I wanted, I tried to maximize imagery from the game world as much as possible within the limited amount of space and items to work with; for example, plants that erode collapsed buildings, or a puddle that symbolizes the world damaged by floods. Joel’s pedestal is based on an early scene where he enters a building by removing a wooden panel. I show inside the building as well.
This may be just my own imagery I’ve connected to them, but I’ve connected the theme of plants to Joel and water to Ellie. I think people who have played the game can somewhat relate to it.
I also had a particular idea that I wanted to put a lantern or a bonfire on Ellie’s pedestal. In my original figures I have a fixation with expanding the world with things placed on the pedestals. When I thought of Ellie’s future, I hadn’t played PART II yet at that time, I wanted to symbolize “hope” and “family” by putting a lantern or a bonfire.
この文章を書いている今はまだデコレーションマスターの仕上げをする前ですが、もう少しで完全に形になると思うと「早く皆さまにお見せしたい! しかし落ち着いて。もっとよいものに……」という9合目ならではのなんとも言えない心境です。無事この山を登り切って日の出を拝めるように頑張ります。 はじめにお名前を出させていただいた先輩の藤本圭紀さんは、原田さんとのタッグで情熱を超えた怨念のようなエイリアン:ビッグチャップの1/3スケール・スタチューを作りあげました。 この商品もそのようになりそうです(笑)。皆さま、よろしくお願いします。
Currently I’m writing this before putting the finishing touches on the Paint Sample. At this point, when everything is almost done, I think “I want to show everyone what I’ve created! Wait! Calm down. I might be able to make it even better…” as if I’m at the 9th station. I’ll keep climbing to the summit and see the sun rise.
The person I name dropped earlier, Yoshiki Fujimoto, and Mr. Harada created a ALIEN: Big Chap 1/3Scale Statue. Its design transcends passion into the realm of obsession.
The same can be said of this project. LOL
Masato Ohata